Times Gone By

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Norwood Nth Carolina
Well after a 36 hour reset I rang my Dispatcher Friday morning to get the plans for the day.Halifax had just had a snow fall and the highway to Truro was littered with cars that had spun off the road. Plan was to pick up mt trl from the yard and go to Mitchelin in New Glasgow to pick up my load. It was 32 metal stillages going to Mitchelin in Norwood Nth Carolina. Furthest i'd been down in the States. I could'nt get Custom clearance till Saturday morning, so stayed at Pennfield for the night.
Next morning made the calls to the Custom Broker and Dispatcher to make sure I was good to go. Yup green light given, so I trundled off to the port (border) at Calais. Pulled up at the booth only to told by the cheerful and smiling(thats a lie their miserable B's) that nothing had been sent through. Went through the x-ray and parked up. It took over an hour to get it sorted. These American officials have no sense of humour. I was stood looking out of the waiting room window with my hands in my pockets and I was told to please remove my hands from my pockets. Like being at school, accept these people carry guns.
Eventually cleared I was off. The first days drive was unadventful and got down as far as New Jersey for the night. The traffic round New York had been surprisingly good.
I set off Sunday morning for Norwood. Cut through Madison County, did'nt see Clint Eastwood, or the Bridges(you have to have watched the film). Passed a sign as well pointing off to the Walton Mountain Museum. Did'nt see John Boy either. North Carolina is a pretty State. Got to Mitchelin at 430pm and was unloaded and parked up by 7. I stayed at Mitchelin for the night.
The following day I did'nt get my reload details till 1pm. A load of plastic bins from Reidsville NC bound for Brantford Ontario. Reidsville was only 100miles away so I was soon there and loaded. Now a friend of mine had told me that if I was down that part of the States to us the 15 to get back up to Buffalo. Well I tell you, what a road, it was fantastic. The scenary was awesome. Passing by some of the old towns and buildings, I half expected to see cowboys riding down the streets. The veiws in the hills and mountains was awesome, can't wait to travel this road in Spring. The problem was I'd left my camera in the sleeper berth so could'nt get any pics. Ah well there will be always next time. Got into Brantford at 4pm Tuesday, got unloaded, and was in a truck stop down the road having a nice hot shower by 6. I guest the next day was going to be a lazy one as Clarke was'nt expecting me to tip till the Wednesday. Sure enough it was. Took my mt trl to our terminal in Concord then bobtailed down to Mississauga to wait for the poolcar. I eventually got a knock on the cab door 130 Thursday morning. Sorted, 1150 miles now between me and my Chriatmas Eve beer at TBR's. I dropped the trl at Dartmouth NS at 7 Friday morning, picked up the lobster and mussels(our Christmas dinner) and was home by 9. Sorted.
Hope you all had a Good Christmas. I know Sharen and me did. Our 1st Christmas in Canada.
Good luck to you all for 2011, keep it safe
Well after a 36 hour reset I rang my Dispatcher Friday morning to get the plans for the day.Halifax had just had a snow fall and the highway to Truro was littered with cars that had spun off the road. Plan was to pick up mt trl from the yard and go to Mitchelin in New Glasgow to pick up my load. It was 32 metal stillages going to Mitchelin in Norwood Nth Carolina. Furthest i'd been down in the States. I could'nt get Custom clearance till Saturday morning, so stayed at Pennfield for the night.
Next morning made the calls to the Custom Broker and Dispatcher to make sure I was good to go. Yup green light given, so I trundled off to the port (border) at Calais. Pulled up at the booth only to told by the cheerful and smiling(thats a lie their miserable B's) that nothing had been sent through. Went through the x-ray and parked up. It took over an hour to get it sorted. These American officials have no sense of humour. I was stood looking out of the waiting room window with my hands in my pockets and I was told to please remove my hands from my pockets. Like being at school, accept these people carry guns.
Eventually cleared I was off. The first days drive was unadventful and got down as far as New Jersey for the night. The traffic round New York had been surprisingly good.
I set off Sunday morning for Norwood. Cut through Madison County, did'nt see Clint Eastwood, or the Bridges(you have to have watched the film). Passed a sign as well pointing off to the Walton Mountain Museum. Did'nt see John Boy either. North Carolina is a pretty State. Got to Mitchelin at 430pm and was unloaded and parked up by 7. I stayed at Mitchelin for the night.
The following day I did'nt get my reload details till 1pm. A load of plastic bins from Reidsville NC bound for Brantford Ontario. Reidsville was only 100miles away so I was soon there and loaded. Now a friend of mine had told me that if I was down that part of the States to us the 15 to get back up to Buffalo. Well I tell you, what a road, it was fantastic. The scenary was awesome. Passing by some of the old towns and buildings, I half expected to see cowboys riding down the streets. The veiws in the hills and mountains was awesome, can't wait to travel this road in Spring. The problem was I'd left my camera in the sleeper berth so could'nt get any pics. Ah well there will be always next time. Got into Brantford at 4pm Tuesday, got unloaded, and was in a truck stop down the road having a nice hot shower by 6. I guest the next day was going to be a lazy one as Clarke was'nt expecting me to tip till the Wednesday. Sure enough it was. Took my mt trl to our terminal in Concord then bobtailed down to Mississauga to wait for the poolcar. I eventually got a knock on the cab door 130 Thursday morning. Sorted, 1150 miles now between me and my Chriatmas Eve beer at TBR's. I dropped the trl at Dartmouth NS at 7 Friday morning, picked up the lobster and mussels(our Christmas dinner) and was home by 9. Sorted.
Hope you all had a Good Christmas. I know Sharen and me did. Our 1st Christmas in Canada.
Good luck to you all for 2011, keep it safe
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Trip to NJ State
Okay lets talk diesel, diesel Canadian style..
The last time I spoke to you I came back off a trip on a Sunday, then took 2 days off.
The Wednesday I went to the Winter Safety meeting. They'd been holding them every Weds during November and I'd avoided so long so attended. A bloody Wednesday, it spoils a good run. Still you I got $75 for attending +a Clarke Hoody.
Anyway T's crossed and i's dotted the meeting finished at 2(oh KFC dinner as well).
"Bertha" was parked outside, so up to Dispatch to get some work. Wow, 4 deliveries NJ State, delivering Christmas trees, 1st drop Friday morning.. EASY..
Crossed over to States at Houlton ME, then parked up at a truck stop in Houlton for the night.
The next day was a fantastic drive as it was Thanks Giving there, no cars or trucks(unless they were Canadian) on the road until about mid day(everyone heading for there turkey dinners). Driving round New York was still s??t, but then it always is.
Made it to my first drop that night and parked in their parking lot.
Now I knew I was carrying Christmas trees, I d looked at the quantities, but when you open the doors of a 53 foot trl and it's crambed for floor to cealing, my heart sunk.
1st drop was a Garden Centre, address straight forward. 2nd del was for the Lions Club, address "park on the corner of 1st Street and Grandy Ave". Now it was a small town so when I turned into 1st, Grandy was a couple of yards. I stopped looked and thought i can't park here. Saw a church with a decent parking lot so parked there. Rang the contact number and the guy go's your a block away(it's a small town, that meant i could spit on him) and with in a couple of seconds he's there with me, saying "follow me".
Pulled out of parking lot and a few hundred yards was there..... a park... a public park.. swings and things... thats what the address meant, not for me to "park" my truck at the junction. Hey redeemed myself though with some fancy reversing into the park. Hey not long come from a safrty meeting, remember GOAL. Get Out And Look.
Now when you talk to Americans, believe me their geographical knowledge is crap. This old Korean Vet(oh they love to tell you about all the wars the good old USA has won) said he recognised my accent, where was I from? Me being cocky said Halifax Nova Scotia. Ahh i had to tell the old vet, that saved us all from tyranny,the truth. "UK" i said." I know someone from my church from England" he said, "he lived just outside of London, a place called Lincoln". Now the bloody yanks only know London, so trying to explain where anywhere else is is hard. They always ask if it's near London. So next time I'm saying I'm from Aberdeen near London.. God bless the Americans...
Cut the crap, 1 more Lions Club, 1 more garden centre, done by 430 Friday. That was it, pre trip had come through earlier for a reload out of York PA 6 Saturday morning, so Carneys Point truck stop for me that night. Nice hot shower and dinner. Let me tell you about the showers over here, there like bathrooms, toilet, sink and large shower, sorry LARGE shower. Not the sort when someone wanted to convert a broom cupboard then thought they could turn it into a shower, or the sort where you strip butt naked in front of everyone then dive for the nearest and hopefully cleanest shower. These showers are supplied with clean towels and as soon as last person is out the cleaner is in, they are spotless.
Reloaded next morning, load heading for our terminal in Concord(outskirts Toronto) as it was'nt to delivered till Tuesday. Piece of p. Easy run back up, be there latest 5 that night.....mmm.. what they say about best laid plans(think thats correct). Set GPS, checked it's route, never travelled that way, but looked good. Oh Fudge how wrong can you be. This route was just a 2 lane road, and when we hit the mountains we we're noise up, pointing skyward and down the bottom of the box. As I got to the top of the rise it dawned on me that if you go up, you've got to come down. Well after a few miles the signs were there " all trucks over 3000lb stop in 2mile, then 1mile then you get directed into a pull in, where you have to stop and read all the signs. 1st big one shows you how the road runs for the next 3 mles and where the escape lanes are. Next one telling you "select low gear and max speed limit for trucks 20mph". Then the next sign, oh the next sign "Jake and Engine Brakes prohibited in this County". WHAT, 3 mile grind downhill, a hill where I'm wearing a seatbelt to stop me slipping out of my seat because my truck is nearly vertical.. So what do you do, face a fine or get brake fade... mmm... fudge it get my wallet ready.
Tell you what, went down there in 7th with the engine brake on full. She did'nt move above 20 and never touched the brakes once. But do you know the best thing? The roar from the stack(only got 1 exhaust stack at back of cab), oh it sent tingles down my spine. Oh that beautiful noise, you know what i mean......(okay just me then). It was like when Sharen was travelling with me , we went through a mountain tunnel, I dropped both windows and eased off the gas. Oh heaven to hear the bark from that stack echoing. mmm. Sharen did'nt understand. Anyway this bloody road went on for ever, up, up and down again. Was on one incline pointing to the stars when 2 US dump trucks caught up with me. The snow started falling hard, but it was more show than snow. But I could hear these 2 on the cb and the 2nd truck was saying to his buddy that he hated snow and was'nt happy in driving in it. His mate reassured him that when we get the other side he was sure it would be okay. Not convinced he was threatening to pull off and wait. Then his friend cheered up and said "hey this guy in front has got Nova Scotia plates. Now them guys know how to drive in snow. If we stick with him we'll be alright". Well it cheered his friend up. I could'nt burst their bubble by saying" God don't follow me, it's my rookie year".. Well I could'nt cus one hand was gripping the wheel and the other on the gear shift.
Long story short, left trl at Concord, bobtailed to Missassauga and hooked to my trl for the Maritimes. Tired and p'd off at the route I took, shower and bed by 10. Kicked off at 5 next morning....
Only 1175miles back to Halifax.. "Bertha" had a hissy fit on the way back so rang shop to get her booked in on my return. The trucks we drive are ours, no one else drives them(mainly cus every driver takes them home) and servicing, and annual safety checks are up to us to monitor and book in. It's like being an owner driver without the cost.
I think I've bored you enough. I won't go on with the next trip.
Got to get some sand anyway and throw on this puddle of diesel under my feet and clean it up.
You all take care.
The last time I spoke to you I came back off a trip on a Sunday, then took 2 days off.
The Wednesday I went to the Winter Safety meeting. They'd been holding them every Weds during November and I'd avoided so long so attended. A bloody Wednesday, it spoils a good run. Still you I got $75 for attending +a Clarke Hoody.
Anyway T's crossed and i's dotted the meeting finished at 2(oh KFC dinner as well).
"Bertha" was parked outside, so up to Dispatch to get some work. Wow, 4 deliveries NJ State, delivering Christmas trees, 1st drop Friday morning.. EASY..
Crossed over to States at Houlton ME, then parked up at a truck stop in Houlton for the night.
The next day was a fantastic drive as it was Thanks Giving there, no cars or trucks(unless they were Canadian) on the road until about mid day(everyone heading for there turkey dinners). Driving round New York was still s??t, but then it always is.
Made it to my first drop that night and parked in their parking lot.
Now I knew I was carrying Christmas trees, I d looked at the quantities, but when you open the doors of a 53 foot trl and it's crambed for floor to cealing, my heart sunk.
1st drop was a Garden Centre, address straight forward. 2nd del was for the Lions Club, address "park on the corner of 1st Street and Grandy Ave". Now it was a small town so when I turned into 1st, Grandy was a couple of yards. I stopped looked and thought i can't park here. Saw a church with a decent parking lot so parked there. Rang the contact number and the guy go's your a block away(it's a small town, that meant i could spit on him) and with in a couple of seconds he's there with me, saying "follow me".
Pulled out of parking lot and a few hundred yards was there..... a park... a public park.. swings and things... thats what the address meant, not for me to "park" my truck at the junction. Hey redeemed myself though with some fancy reversing into the park. Hey not long come from a safrty meeting, remember GOAL. Get Out And Look.
Now when you talk to Americans, believe me their geographical knowledge is crap. This old Korean Vet(oh they love to tell you about all the wars the good old USA has won) said he recognised my accent, where was I from? Me being cocky said Halifax Nova Scotia. Ahh i had to tell the old vet, that saved us all from tyranny,the truth. "UK" i said." I know someone from my church from England" he said, "he lived just outside of London, a place called Lincoln". Now the bloody yanks only know London, so trying to explain where anywhere else is is hard. They always ask if it's near London. So next time I'm saying I'm from Aberdeen near London.. God bless the Americans...
Cut the crap, 1 more Lions Club, 1 more garden centre, done by 430 Friday. That was it, pre trip had come through earlier for a reload out of York PA 6 Saturday morning, so Carneys Point truck stop for me that night. Nice hot shower and dinner. Let me tell you about the showers over here, there like bathrooms, toilet, sink and large shower, sorry LARGE shower. Not the sort when someone wanted to convert a broom cupboard then thought they could turn it into a shower, or the sort where you strip butt naked in front of everyone then dive for the nearest and hopefully cleanest shower. These showers are supplied with clean towels and as soon as last person is out the cleaner is in, they are spotless.
Reloaded next morning, load heading for our terminal in Concord(outskirts Toronto) as it was'nt to delivered till Tuesday. Piece of p. Easy run back up, be there latest 5 that night.....mmm.. what they say about best laid plans(think thats correct). Set GPS, checked it's route, never travelled that way, but looked good. Oh Fudge how wrong can you be. This route was just a 2 lane road, and when we hit the mountains we we're noise up, pointing skyward and down the bottom of the box. As I got to the top of the rise it dawned on me that if you go up, you've got to come down. Well after a few miles the signs were there " all trucks over 3000lb stop in 2mile, then 1mile then you get directed into a pull in, where you have to stop and read all the signs. 1st big one shows you how the road runs for the next 3 mles and where the escape lanes are. Next one telling you "select low gear and max speed limit for trucks 20mph". Then the next sign, oh the next sign "Jake and Engine Brakes prohibited in this County". WHAT, 3 mile grind downhill, a hill where I'm wearing a seatbelt to stop me slipping out of my seat because my truck is nearly vertical.. So what do you do, face a fine or get brake fade... mmm... fudge it get my wallet ready.
Tell you what, went down there in 7th with the engine brake on full. She did'nt move above 20 and never touched the brakes once. But do you know the best thing? The roar from the stack(only got 1 exhaust stack at back of cab), oh it sent tingles down my spine. Oh that beautiful noise, you know what i mean......(okay just me then). It was like when Sharen was travelling with me , we went through a mountain tunnel, I dropped both windows and eased off the gas. Oh heaven to hear the bark from that stack echoing. mmm. Sharen did'nt understand. Anyway this bloody road went on for ever, up, up and down again. Was on one incline pointing to the stars when 2 US dump trucks caught up with me. The snow started falling hard, but it was more show than snow. But I could hear these 2 on the cb and the 2nd truck was saying to his buddy that he hated snow and was'nt happy in driving in it. His mate reassured him that when we get the other side he was sure it would be okay. Not convinced he was threatening to pull off and wait. Then his friend cheered up and said "hey this guy in front has got Nova Scotia plates. Now them guys know how to drive in snow. If we stick with him we'll be alright". Well it cheered his friend up. I could'nt burst their bubble by saying" God don't follow me, it's my rookie year".. Well I could'nt cus one hand was gripping the wheel and the other on the gear shift.
Long story short, left trl at Concord, bobtailed to Missassauga and hooked to my trl for the Maritimes. Tired and p'd off at the route I took, shower and bed by 10. Kicked off at 5 next morning....
Only 1175miles back to Halifax.. "Bertha" had a hissy fit on the way back so rang shop to get her booked in on my return. The trucks we drive are ours, no one else drives them(mainly cus every driver takes them home) and servicing, and annual safety checks are up to us to monitor and book in. It's like being an owner driver without the cost.
I think I've bored you enough. I won't go on with the next trip.
Got to get some sand anyway and throw on this puddle of diesel under my feet and clean it up.
You all take care.
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