Making baby trucks?
Times Gone By

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Now February had been a bad month for me so I needed to make March a better paying month so insted of taking the full weekend off I got back on the road on the Sunday. First part of trip was to bobtail to Dieppe, New Brunswick (159miles), pick up a loaded trl bound for Rotterdam, New York (thats State, not city). Easy, easy run, only 675 miles and I did'nt have to be there till Tuesday morning. Another thing it was a load of tissues and bog rolls so was light, so hammer down all the way, even over the "Airline". Now I'd like to say that winter has gone, but no, for a change we had some snow. It's as bad as we've had, but I think it's just the weather God's having a bit of fun, they look down and say to each other"look at that prat he's washed and polished his truck, lets shit it up".. Okay paranoia, but it feels like it. Load delivered reload was just 20 miles away at Watervliuet(weird spelling but it's right). So loaded there another easy run up to Plattsville, Ontario (397miles). Delivered there the next morning, then after take the mt to our terminal in Concord and pick a loaded one up bound for Moncton, New Brunswick(sorry am I rushing better trip coming thats why). Got Moncton job delivered then went and picked another trl up going to Edwardsville, Nova Scotia(294miles). Delivered there in the morning then headed for Kentville NS (298miles) to reload. Now when loaded there took the trl back to Halifax. Can't believe it, another weekend at home. Long weekend as a small prob with my girl and I can't get her in the shop till Monday night. So 3 days off and back on the road Tuesday. Going where??? Well I know but you'll just have to wait a bit. It's Saturday night and I'm going to bed cus I've got to be up at 3am. Why, oh come on you should know, real motor sport season starts. Shitter that Vettels on pole but lets see whats happens. Enjoy all. Miss our race days Dave, friends forever.
"Love all. trust a few, harm none" William Shakespeare
"Love all. trust a few, harm none" William Shakespeare
Sorry it's been a while
Right the next 2 trips are going to be basic. I'm going to put some mileage down to fill them out. Reason, can't wait to tell you about my last trip.Okay I was dispatched (Monday28th) to pick up a load of fruit juice from Kentville Nova Scotia (64miles away) bound for Rougemont in the Province of Quebec. Nice little run 805 miles away. When I tipped the following morning a mesage came through to take the mt trl to our terminal in Saint Laurent (38 miles away). No probs I knew then I'd be on the Poolcar that night bound back to the Maritimes. But then another message came through, they had got problems moving 2 loads from outside Montreal to the rail terminal at St Laurent. Could I help? Well what do I do, Sit on my but till my trl was ready that night or earn some more miles? Easy message back to them "send details, no problem". Easy 60 mile round trip, bobtail down, hook up to loaded can, straight to rail port then repeat. 120 miles in the bank is better than watching dvd's all day.Parked back up in our terminal that night, head down and wait for the knock on the door to tell you your trls ready. Now I usually take trls back to the Maritimes, but my trl this time was bound for Newfoundland (pronounced Newfundland). Looking forward to that, nice long ferry ride from Nth Sydney, and lots of miles. Well set off from St Laurent at 3 in the morning heading I thought for Nth Sydney, but still unsure made a call to Ron in Dispatch at 6am to check on my destination. What a downer, all I'd got to do was take it to our trl yard in Truro and 1 of our Newfies would take it over. What a downer, but then there's always an upside. Chris (one of my Dispatchers) sent me a message on my hours for shunting the previuos day. Mega result as hourly pay for the shunting more than doubled what a milage pay would have given me., So dropped my trl there and hooked up to another heading bck to the Province of Quebec, a place called Beauceville. Truro to Beauceville 517 miles. But it was going to be a heavy slow haul through the mountains in New Brunswick, as it was 56,000lb of paper rolls (9in total). Anyway cool easy run down to there, then when tipped my reload cme through, take trl to St Laurent Terminal (205miles away) thenI'd be on Poolcar again that night. Could'nt believe it, easy run and again good miles. When at Terminal that afternoon got a chance to meet up with my good mate Jozsef. He'd got a problem with the reefer on his trl. We use these trls not to keep thngs cold but warm. we run them sometomes at 70f, depending on customers requists. It to stop products getting damaged in our bloody cold temps. Well early hours of the next day I hook up to my next trl, agin this was heading for Newfoundland (now how do we pronounce that?). So I knew I'd be taking it to Truro. Friday sees me in Truro and I'm asked what my plans were. Easy, home for weekend. In 5 days I' clocked up 3082 miles so could afford to chill out for a couple of days. You can get more miles in shorter days in Canada because we are allowed 13 hours driving, but in the US we can only drive 11 hours. Now I'm a Canada/USA driver and I'm payed more per mile than a driver who just doe's Canada. What I'm trying to say is if I just stuck to Canada I could make more miles in a shorter time but not come out with as much money. Anyway home for the weekend, SORTED. Catch you all soon, beers to be consumed
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