Okay while I'm sat here I might as well bring up to where I am now.
Rang in on Monday and Ron told me to come in. Unfortunatly no runs to the US as yet but he could give me some local to keep me busy. It's all money. So start off take a trl to Home Depot in Dartmouth then bob back to the yard. Take another load to Dartmouth drop the trl on a door, bob back to yard pick another load up for the same place and by the time i get back there my 1st trl should be mt. Well it sounded good in theory. Got back there and the 1st trl had'nt been touched, so I backed the 2nd one onto another door. Rang dispatch and Ron had gone home he was taking a few days off and had only gone into the office for a few hours. Mark told me to leave them there and bob back to the yard. Next go to CN and pick a container up going to the boat in Nth Sydney, so off I went. Hit a bit of snow going up there but nothing too bad. Hooked to an MT Canadian Tire trl and took that for dehiring in Dartmouth the next morning. Done there bob back to the yard and up to the office. Penny asked if there was a reason I was local. Easy I said no US. Mark came in and said if i hook to an mt tandem and head for Moncton headed try and get me a trip to the States. Well sure enough a message comes through, load Lake Utopia going to Vineland NJ. Ahh well not to bad. Then a few minutes later the sattelite goe's off again "don't go past Moncton we may have something better for you". So I called Mark from Moncton to be told to go to St John and pick up a load for Jacksonville, Florida. Result, trip and a half. I spoke to Penny later and she said "see what you get for doing shitty jobs for us". I don't consider them shitty, it's work that needs doing, i get paid for it, if it's city work they pay me by the hour not mile so I don't complain. I think what it is there are some States drivers that will do local work, and others who seem to think they employed for "The Triangle" and thats all they want to do. Well Florida here I come.....
The load was'nt ready till 8 that night so once hoked up I headed for Pennfield for the night. Could'nt get ACE'd till morning so that was the closest point i could get to the border. Still gave me plenty of time to get to Jacksonvilee (thats in Florida, don't know if i mentioned that) for Friday morning. Well Penny got me ACE'd by 8 Wednesday morning so of I set for the border. Crossed "the Airline" then stopped in Fairfield, MA to diesel up. Once on the I-95 thats it all the way down, except for a short cut round Boston. The traffic was'nt to bad going over the George Washington Bridge so Wednesday night saw me in the Petro truckstop in Bordentown NJ. Thursday morning off again the traffic was bad round Washington, mind you it's hard to find a time when it is'nt. Then once there your into Vaginia...... ohh do you want me to go on.... I love it down there (so doe's Virginia, but don't tell Sharen ; ). Well because of the snow storm I hit Monday night and the manky weather Tuesday and Wednesday I had to find a truck wash (surprise, surprise). Found a good one in Kenly NC. Now i don't usually wash the trl, but hell go for broke on this trip. So the whole outfit clean and looking good (if i say so myself) off I set again on the I-95, next stop for the night Hardeeville SC.
Well it was a short journey from Hardeeville to Jacksonville. Drove through Georgia (1st time in that State) and into Florida. By 10 that morning I was mt and ready to go to my reload, Johnson City, Tennesse. Hell 501 miles away. No rush though, not loading till Monday morning. So here we are, sat at the TA truckstop in Duncan, South Carolina. It'll be a short hop there Monday morning (2hrs away), load, then get to the boat in Nth Sydney NS for Wednesday afternoon. Well how have i filled my time, what else do you do in the sunshine, polish "my girl". Hell you want to see her shine. Only for a few days though there having bad snow storms back home, still thats trucking in North America for you. Bonus of parking here is that there's a smokin' BBQ across the road. Best ribs and chicken I've ever tasted. Had some Friday night and going back for more today. Reminds me must take a steak out the freezer for supper tomorrow night. Well thats me up to date now. Will let you know how the rest of the trip goe's next time. Till then stay safe.
Mick, Heather, Dylan, Yvonne, Charlotte and Callum I'll be taking time out next Friday to think of you guy's.
You'll be in Sharens and my thoughts. Catch you later Rich my old buddy.
Times Gone By

Sunday, February 26, 2012
Story so far
Quick catch on next trip. Quiet on the USA front so Ron asked me to go to Dartmouth load then take it to the boat in Nth Sydney. But while i was loading noticed my radiator was leeking coolant, so once loaded dropped the trl in the yard and across to Penske. New radiator needed, lot of empty promises and I did'nt get "my girl " back till Tuesday afternoon. So load down to St John NB for Wednesday morning, then down to Lake Utopia for a load to Hatboro PA. No rush, did'nt have to be there till Friday morning. Tipped Friday and up to Newark NJ for my reload going to Toronto. But again I'd be up there too early so I dropped it in our yard in Concord Saturday morning. Oh shit what a crap journey, it snowed Friday night. The driving was good until all the f'ing idiot car drivers got on the road Saturday morning. I say " if you don't like driving in the snow STAY AT F'ING HOME, don't drive down the highway at 30mph with your 4 ways on". Hell they really p me off. Once i'd dropped my trl I bob'd to Mississauga to pick up a load bound for Dartmouth. Result be home Sunday afternoon. Well the Sunday the roads were in pretty bad shape, lots of snow and it was freezing fast. Still made it to Dartmouth for 230pm, dropped the trl and bob'd back to the yard. Told them I'd be back in Monday morning as I wanted a full weekend at home the follwing weekend. No problem. Then Mark asked if I could be in Middleton for 7 the next morning, it's only about hour and half away. Easy, he said someone had gone to the rail port to pick up the container and it'll be in the trl park for me the next morning. Well 430 Monday morning saw me driving up and down all the trls trying to find mind, after the 3rd lap I gave up and parked by the office to await Ron's arrival at 6. Ron arrived checked the computer to find the container was still at the rail port. So PU# in hand I bob'd to CN. Things were not going to go my way, the container was on the chasis twisted so I could'nt do the front 2 locks up on it. So a couple of slow laps round the parking lot finally made the Container drop into place. Next problem, the right hand turn signal was'nt working, so a trip to PFT was called for. There they tried to tell me it was my truck and not the chassis at fault. Balls I'd had no problems with it, as a hook up to an mt in our yard proved. It was to late now to go to Middleton so I hooked to an mt Tridem and went to St John to load for St Laurent. Left that in our yard there and hooked to another load going to the boat in Nth Sydney. It was on the way back I heard the tragic news about Richard. Trl dropped at the boat hooked to an mt and back to Halifax. There Ron gave me a job load in Dartmouth, deliver to St John NB then spot the trl at Irving Tissue St John. Then bob to Moncton, hook to a loaded on there and bring back to Halifax. Shit when I hooked to that one in Moncton boy she was heavy, and in all the wrong places. I was over weight on my drives and even sliding the trl bogies all the way to the front did'nt help much. Decision time leave it or run the risk, i took the latter. First scale at Amherst and an amber light was given to me (report inside). He told me I was 800lbs over on the drives(tell me something I did'nt know) and could I slide the bogies. Well there was only one way and that was to take the locking bar out the front and pinch one more hole. Mean while he's inside going through my log book. Back on the scales and back inside. 400lbs now over. Okay he says forget about the weight ticket I'll give you a level 3. Nice guy, clean level 3. He then told me Enfield scales were open and to tell them I'd been let off with a warning and that they'd let me through. There was no problem there and I was soon back in Halifax. Home for the night, i went in Friday morning at 6. Ron looked up and said " thought you were going home for the weekend?" It's only Friday I told him and I'd stilll got hours to use. He looked at the screen told me there was'nt much about and to go home and have a nice weekend. Belive me I did. Work hard, play even harder. Awesome meal at The Keg Saturday night with my georgeous wife. Monday though comes round far to quickly........
South Carolina
Right I'll miss out the first couple of trips of the year. They were pretty hum drum, a trip to Lawrence MA, a trip to Rotterdam NY and some local stuff to make up the milage. Well Monday the 23rd looked like it was start off the same. I was told to go to Lake Utopia NB and pick up a load for Schnectady NY. This is an easy run, in fact I call it a local run. Now I could have been there Tuesday afternoon but the booking was'nt till Wednesday morning. So parked up just after lunch time Tuseday the day was mine. Feet up watching a DVD when the sattelite went off. Apparently the customer had had some cancellations and I could head in and get unloaded if I want. Might as well, get them wheels turning. 8rolls of paper unloaded and MT message sent to dispatch then the silence came. I headed for a Pilot Truckstop down the road and rang Dispatch. 2choices either run mt up to Montreal or sit there till morning and see if they could find me a load. Well I knew there was no guarentee of a quick load in Montreal so it was either sit here and get a load or sit in Montreal waiting for a load. So I decided to sit still. In my mind it was in Clarkes interest for me to wait there, why run mt when you can have something paying the miles on board (I get paid mt or loaded). So Wednesday morning came round and to my surprise it did'nt take Sales too long to find a reload, head to Saugerties(58 miles away) and pick up a load for Montreal. Hell this guy did'nt mess about I was turned round within 30 mins, paperwork sent to the Custom Broker as well. On to the I-87 and Northward bound. The Pre Plan said the load was'nt due till Thursday morning but i thought i'd try it that night. But on route i had to go through a State Trooper check. In the States they have their weigh stations but they also use rest areas along the Interstates. It's like a procession of trucks through the parking lot and they stand there and take their pick on who to check. Well today was my turn, I was informed they were going do a Level 2 inspection. Thats paperwork check, log book, truck and trl documents, diesel receipts(to make sure they match the log book) and load paperwork. The tractor and trl go through inspection for faults as well. There are 3 levels of Inspection, Level 3 thats just log book and vehicle documents, Level 2 as I've just explained and Level 1, this is the big one, paper check and the truck and trl go through a check equivelant to the safety certificate check(MOT). Within 20 mins I was back on the road with a sheet of paper saying I'd passed, no infractions at all. Result $15 bonus for me. Clarke give us $15 for a clean Level 2 and $25 for a clean Level 1. Nothing unfortunately for a Level 3, which is a shame as I've had 3 of them in the last 6 months(all clean as well). Anyway border crossed and into Montreal. I found the place and went into see the guy and he was very helpful(for a French man) and within 25mins of backing on the door I was mt and ready to go. Quick call to Penny in Dispatch and because I was'nt due there till the following morning nothing had been put on the screen for me. So I informed her I'd head for our terminal in St Laurent and give Ron a ring first thing. Thursday morning rolled round and sat in the terminal till about 11am, then the sattelite went off. "If they place a trl for me in Moncton NB, could I be in Laurens, South Carolina for Monday morning". So I rang Chris in dispatch (he runs all loads in Quebec and Ontario) and said to him getting to Laurens would'nt be a problem but I needed a load asap to get me from Montreal to Moncton. "Working on it now" he said. Not bad within 30 mins i got a message to hook up to an mt Tridem and head to Baxters soup in St Hyacinth to load for Moncton. All sounded well, St Hyacinth is only 43 miles away and when I got there, there were only 2 trucks in front of me, but then it went all pear shape. The load was'nt completely finished yet. Informed Dispatch and they could'nt believe it as it was a PDQ load. It was needed in Moncton asap. "Ah well Penny said you can only do what you can do, give us an eta when you know". It did'nt worry me much, not my f' up and I was being paid for waiting, just don't like sitting around. I eventually got out of there at 7 that night....... miss a bit here......... Next morning Ron asked what my eta would be and I informed him 1230. About 11 Penny asked if my eta was still going to be 1230. I sent a message back "eta now 1215". Got there 1207. As they were unloading me a message was sent to me from Dispatch " the customer wants us to give you their thanks for getting the load there so quickly. Awesome job Buster". It makes it worth while when you get thanks for doing your job. Anyway mt and a short hop across to our trl yard to drop this mt and hook up to my load. Called at the truckstop in Salisbury NB and faxed the paperwork to the custom broker and the ACE details to Dispatch. The out bound trips the Custom Broker handles the PAPS (Pre Arrival Processing System) and Dispatch do the ACE (Automated Commercial Enviroment) paperwork. It all speeds up the crossing. If everyone has done their bit by the time you get to the US border they know who you are and what your carrying as you pull up to the booth. I hand them my ACE form and passport, it's checked on the computer and off we go. Well not at Calais ME every truck has to go through X-ray before heading off.
I love going to the Carolinas, told you before, such a beautiful drive down to there. Well shit weather behind me time to call in at Roosters to get "my girl" washed. Rooster (Fritz is his real name) is a great charecter, his place is just South of Hazleton on the I-81. Value for money, he and his buddy do one excellent job. Truck a nice and clean,soI run my hours out for that day and park up at Carlisle (no not the BP truckstop), Carlisle, Pennsyvania. 10hrs off and an early start Sunday morning saw me pulling into Mitchelin drop yard in Laurens at 2pm that day. Ezpeze, drop loaded one hook up to mt for a reload from Mitchelin in Greenville SC about 38 miles away. Hang on though one little problem, there was no pick up number. Call Wade in Dispatch "sales were'nt expecting you there til tomorrow so we'll get it to you that number ASAP in the morning" was the response. So a message back "okay will start pestering you about 8am" "looking forward to all your messages already "Wade replyed. I've a reputation for continually sending messages and pestering dispatch when I'm sat waiting. Well got to keep them on their toes. I headed down to Mitchelin the next morning dropped my mt and waited for my pick up number. PU# received and was soon on my way to London, Ontario. Now this was my 8th day on the road and I had'nt reset my hours, but there is a way of working it (and it's legal) were you count back 7days(in the US) to get back your 8th days time(count back 6 in Canada). It doe'snt give you all your hours back but enough to keep going. This is why they brought a law in where on the 14th day of working you have to take 24hrs off. A reset of 36 hrs is not mandatory, it's crazy. Oh what a drive from Greenville, them Cherokee foothills, AWESOME. My journey back took me through Tennesse, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan. When I arrived at London I was too early for my booking (day and a half in fact), they could'nt take it so I ended up dropping the trl at our Terminal in Concord ON. Next plan of action bobtail to Mitchelin Trl yard in Hamilton ON, hook up to a load going to Mitchelin drop yard in St Laurent, E Z life. Next day dropped the trl bob'd to our yard picked an mt up and went for a load from St Leonard QC bound for Halifax. Now this was Wednesday and with the way I was running my hours I'd only get as far as Moncton on the Thursday and I'd be parked up by lunch time, so an idea came into my head. A quick call to Ron was needed. I explained what was going on and he said "no problems your not due back into Halifax till Friday" "I know I said but you got any Loblaws need doing Thursday night". Sorted he had, easy job and good money, think I've explained before about Loblaws. While I was parked up Thursday Ron sent a driver to meet me to take my trl as he'd got another load for me to pick the next morning to drop at Truro. 10am Friday morning I was unhooking from my trl in Truro, so a message was sent "next pls". A pre plan was sent to me Truro to Dartmouth but no street address and no trl numbers, so a quick call was made. "your on the random drug test list so can you bobtail to Dartmouth and take it, then when done come in and see us". Once the p was taken a quick visit to the office to drop my paperwork off and home.... Lovely weekend at home.
My thoughts are with all the Kents at this most difficult time. Richard will be missed. They were some great years when I worked for the family, ask Mick, ask any of the old drivers. Rich was a lovely guy and was taken from this earth far too early.
You all stay safe catch you soon
I love going to the Carolinas, told you before, such a beautiful drive down to there. Well shit weather behind me time to call in at Roosters to get "my girl" washed. Rooster (Fritz is his real name) is a great charecter, his place is just South of Hazleton on the I-81. Value for money, he and his buddy do one excellent job. Truck a nice and clean,soI run my hours out for that day and park up at Carlisle (no not the BP truckstop), Carlisle, Pennsyvania. 10hrs off and an early start Sunday morning saw me pulling into Mitchelin drop yard in Laurens at 2pm that day. Ezpeze, drop loaded one hook up to mt for a reload from Mitchelin in Greenville SC about 38 miles away. Hang on though one little problem, there was no pick up number. Call Wade in Dispatch "sales were'nt expecting you there til tomorrow so we'll get it to you that number ASAP in the morning" was the response. So a message back "okay will start pestering you about 8am" "looking forward to all your messages already "Wade replyed. I've a reputation for continually sending messages and pestering dispatch when I'm sat waiting. Well got to keep them on their toes. I headed down to Mitchelin the next morning dropped my mt and waited for my pick up number. PU# received and was soon on my way to London, Ontario. Now this was my 8th day on the road and I had'nt reset my hours, but there is a way of working it (and it's legal) were you count back 7days(in the US) to get back your 8th days time(count back 6 in Canada). It doe'snt give you all your hours back but enough to keep going. This is why they brought a law in where on the 14th day of working you have to take 24hrs off. A reset of 36 hrs is not mandatory, it's crazy. Oh what a drive from Greenville, them Cherokee foothills, AWESOME. My journey back took me through Tennesse, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan. When I arrived at London I was too early for my booking (day and a half in fact), they could'nt take it so I ended up dropping the trl at our Terminal in Concord ON. Next plan of action bobtail to Mitchelin Trl yard in Hamilton ON, hook up to a load going to Mitchelin drop yard in St Laurent, E Z life. Next day dropped the trl bob'd to our yard picked an mt up and went for a load from St Leonard QC bound for Halifax. Now this was Wednesday and with the way I was running my hours I'd only get as far as Moncton on the Thursday and I'd be parked up by lunch time, so an idea came into my head. A quick call to Ron was needed. I explained what was going on and he said "no problems your not due back into Halifax till Friday" "I know I said but you got any Loblaws need doing Thursday night". Sorted he had, easy job and good money, think I've explained before about Loblaws. While I was parked up Thursday Ron sent a driver to meet me to take my trl as he'd got another load for me to pick the next morning to drop at Truro. 10am Friday morning I was unhooking from my trl in Truro, so a message was sent "next pls". A pre plan was sent to me Truro to Dartmouth but no street address and no trl numbers, so a quick call was made. "your on the random drug test list so can you bobtail to Dartmouth and take it, then when done come in and see us". Once the p was taken a quick visit to the office to drop my paperwork off and home.... Lovely weekend at home.
My thoughts are with all the Kents at this most difficult time. Richard will be missed. They were some great years when I worked for the family, ask Mick, ask any of the old drivers. Rich was a lovely guy and was taken from this earth far too early.
You all stay safe catch you soon
Friday, February 24, 2012
Parked up for the weekend in South Carolina, so I'll catch up with my blog
Unloading in Jacksonville, Florida
Get the Willie Nelson CD out
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Nice trip to South Carolina
Truckstop in Carlisle PA
Awesome views
Hope never to use one of these.
Cherokee foothills. Now this was one fantastic drive through the Cherokee National Park. Twisty road through the mountains, speed averaged 50 mph, but oh the awesome scenery.
This is the way to do it, make the inmates earn their keep. Cheap way of keeping the highways tidy as well.
Journey back took me through Tennesse, Kentucky, Ohio, Mitchigan then back into Canada.
And welcome back to Canada.
This was actually good going, got worse as night drew on, but speeds did'nt drop to much below 60mph.
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