Times Gone By

Times Gone By

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Quick synopsise
Left Halifax and picked a load up from New Glasgow bound for Temperance, Michigan. Left on the Thursday and crossed over into the States on Saturday morning at Detroit. Glad I crossed early as the Border guards were searching every truck. Cab and load. Well they didn’t search through my trl as when I opened the doors and they saw a wall of tires they said it’ll be okay. Headed down the road and parked at Monroe, Mi till Monday morning. Needed the reset. Dropped the trl in at Temperance early Monday morning and hooked up to an mt. Pre plan came through, reload Columbus, Ohio and deliver Columbus. Strange request, but a quick call to Wade in dispatch explained the situation. A truck had come down on the Friday with 2 deliveries, got the 1st off but the 2nd wasn’t booked till Sunday night, so they’d left it at another transport company. I was to pick it up and take it to the other side of town and deliver. Seemed straight forward, BUT. Arrived at the customer just after noon only to be told they don’t accept deliveries during the day, start receiving at 7pm. Another quick call to dispatch, they called sales, only to be told “yes that’s right, he’s booked in at 10”. Not all was bad as I was told I’d be paid for waiting all day, result. 7pm came round and I got in touch with receiving over the cb to let them know I was outside(a lot of companies use the cb to communicate with us drivers, saves walking to and fro from the office all the time). Gave my booking ref only to be told it was booked for 1am, what a piss off. Okay nothing I could do about it, so bed here I come. At about 9 though they called for me to come in and back on a door, they were quiet so could get me in early, sorted. Within an hour I was heading for the Pilot truckstop in Marengo for the night. It was a short hop from there the next morning for my reload in Marion, Ohio. Got loaded there mid morning and was back in Canada that afternoon. Dropped the trl in Concord the next morning, did a quick local job to Ajax, left that back in Concord, then headed down to Mississauga for my load back to the Maritimes. I dropped that trl at the docks in North Sydney, NS early Friday morning then hooked to a loaded one going to Dartmouth, NS. North Sydney is where the boats sail from to Newfoundland. Arrived at the customer in Dartmouth at lunchtime and dropped the trl. Job done, home for the weekend, or so I thought. Called back in the office on my way home, only to be told by safety I was on their list for a random drug test and could I pop back across to Dartmouth and take it. Good job they caught me BEFORE I’d been to the washrooms. Anyway test taken, then home. Catch you soon

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